The Android IDE and Developer Toolkit in a portable version

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Android Studio Portable v1.

Android Studio Portable v1.
October 12th, 2015 Release.
In addition to bug fixes there are some notable features for the Android support in this new release of Android Studio IDE. Android Studio offers:
  • The memory profiler has a new "analysis" feature where it can analyze a heap dump to look for known problems, such as leaked activities. To use this feature, open a heap dump and look for the Analyzer Tasks window on the right.
  • In the analysis window you can press the Run button to perform and analysis, and then drill into the results; here's an example of a leaked activity.
  • There are several new lint checks as well; here's one which warns you if you are attempting to override resources referenced from the manifest (where only a small set of resources are actually dynamically resolved).
  • Overall there are a number of bug fixes, particularly in the editing area where we're working to polish code completion in resource and manifest files. For example, you can use short names in completion to custom views now.


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